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The Borges International Group, S.L.U has reclaimed a remarkable historical site at its Mas de Colom estate, now reconverted into an experiential, informative and educational centre for the brand called Mas de Colom-Casa Borges, located in Tàrrega (Lleida).

Building of ColomBuilding of Colom
Mas de Colom-Casa Borges offers positive immersive experiences based on the Borges Group’s key values (origins, family tradition, innovation, healthy products, internationalisation and sustainability), as well as explaining the history of the old buildings, the keys to preserving biodiversity (this being the only estate in the whole of Catalonia that is an observatory of agrarian biodiversity) and an agricultural mosaic with plantations of almond, walnut, pistachio and olive trees, all related to the activity of the Borges Group and typical of the region.
Mas de Colom - Casa Borges has been created with the aim of becoming:
  • A fascinating place to enjoy the natural and agricultural environment and its produce through a new immersive experience that’s both exciting and enlightening.
  • A centre for education on the conservation of biodiversity and food, including healthy lifestyles.
  • An agrarian area with an important heritage, covering almost 70 hectares.
Mas de Colom - Casa Borges is part of the Grand Tour of Catalonia, an itinerary to get to know, discover, live, taste and enjoy Catalonia by vehicle. It has also received the Biosphere Certified distinction, which recognizes the efforts made by Mas de Colom - Casa Borges to meet the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda.